Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Casino Games Where You Decide The House Edge-Craps

The House edge is what makes it possible for casinos to function. The higher the House edge, the more a casino can expect to make on each game.

The House edge for most games when played correctly usually hovers around five percent or less. However, the House makes its real money from those who don’t play correctly, or who play hunches and long shots.

You can decide to some extent how much of a House edge you want to give in many games. One of these is craps.

Bets in Craps

Good Bets

There are a number of different types of bets in craps, many of which look very enticing. There is your basic pass line bet, a bet that the shooter will make his point before rolling a seven. There is a come bet, similar to a pass line bet, and there are true odds you can take on these bets.

You can also make “don’t” bets against the shooter. These bets may seem pretty boring, and with good reason. They are the best bets on the table.

Bad Bets

There are also some very exciting bets in craps. There are hardway bets in which you bet that a number will be rolled through doubles before it is rolled any other way. There are one roll bets in which you bet that the next number will be something specific, like a two, seven, eleven or twelve.

There are field bets in which you can receive a payout on a wide selection of numbers. All these bets come with big payout odds and are the worst bets around.In the same line if you wish to improve your odds, a poker odds calculating software and some online poker articles is what you need.

Deciding the House Edge in Craps

If you want a low House edge, stick with pass, don’t pass, come and don’t come. When you bet on the pass line, the House edge is 1.41 percent. The more true odds you can back your bet up with, the lower the House edge.

Double odds gets the edge down to about .5 percent, while if you can get 20x odds the House edge drops to a minimal .07 percent. If you prefer to take your chances, the one roll bets give big payouts at a tremendous House edge. The “any seven” bet is one of the worst in the casino, with a House edge of 16.67 percent.
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